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Showing E190F

Embraer’s E-Freighter earns triple certification

Embraer’s E-Freighter, the E190F, is fully certified...

Embraer’s E-Freighter is Certified by the FAA

The E-Freighter, Embraer’s E190F has been fully cert...

Embraer’s New E-Freighter Secures Type Certification

Embraer’s latest aircraft, the 190F E-Freighter, pas...

Embraer and Correios sign MOU for optimization studies in air cargo transport

Embraer and Correios has signed a Memorandum of Understand...

Embraer and Lanzhou Group Sign LOA for 20 Embraer P2F Conversions

Embraer signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) at the 54th Par...

Embraer and NAC Announced Order for 10 New Embraer P2F Conversions

Embraer and Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), have signed a...

NAC Places Two Embraer E190F With Astral Aviation

Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC) has agreed a memorandum of...

Embraer Signs a Firm Contract for up to 10 Passenger to Freighter Conversions

Embraer has signed a firm order for up to 10 Embraer E-Jet...

NAC – Embraer's First E-Jet P2F Customer

Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC) is a launch lessor for E-Jet...

Embraer Takes Aim at Air Freight Market - Launches E190F and E195F P2F Conversions

Embraer enters the air freight market with the launch of t...

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