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Showing Embraer

Pratt & Whitney GTF™ Engines to Power 20 Additional Embraer E195-E2 Aircraft for Porter Airlines

Pratt & Whitney has announced that Porter Airlines (?...

Embraer Signs a Firm Contract for up to 10 Passenger to Freighter Conversions

Embraer has signed a firm order for up to 10 Embraer E-Jet...

Embraer Inaugurates Sorocaba Services Center Expansion

Embraer inaugurated new hangars at the Sorocaba Service C...

NAC – Embraer's First E-Jet P2F Customer

Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC) is a launch lessor for E-Jet...

C&L Aviation Group Completes Teardown of 2 x E170 Aircraft

C&L Aerospace has completed the teardown of two E170...

Embraer Takes Aim at Air Freight Market - Launches E190F and E195F P2F Conversions

Embraer enters the air freight market with the launch of t...

Pratt & Whitney and Embraer Partner on 100% SAF Flight Demonstration Program

Pratt & Whitney has announced that it has signed a me...

Pratt & Whitney Adds the PW1900G Engine to OGMA's GTF MRO Capability

Pratt & Whitney has announced that OGMA ? Ind£stria A...

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